Peep Show
“Peep Show” is a critically acclaimed British sitcom featuring David Mitchell and Robert Webb. The series is penned by Jesse Armstrong and Sam Bain, with additional contributions from Mitchell, Webb, and others. It has been airing on Channel 4 since 2003, and its eighth season marks it as the longest-running comedy in the channel’s history. The show is distinctive for its use of point-of-view shots, allowing viewers to hear the internal thoughts of the main characters, Mark and Jeremy, through voiceovers.
The series chronicles the lives of two men, Mark Corrigan and Jeremy “Jez” Usbourne, as they transition from their twenties to their thirties. Mark, who maintains steady employment throughout most of the series, and Jeremy, an unemployed aspiring musician, first crossed paths at the fictional Dartmouth University and now reside together in a flat in Croydon, South London. Initially, Mark works as a loan manager at the fictional JLB Credit, later taking on roles as a waiter and a bathroom supplies salesman. Despite being financially stable, Mark is socially awkward and harbors a pessimistic and cynical view of life. Jeremy, who moved into Mark’s spare room after breaking up with his girlfriend Big Suze before the series begins, generally has a more upbeat and energetic perspective. However, his self-proclaimed musical talent remains unrecognized, and he is not as popular or attractive as he believes, although he does have more success with women than Mark.
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Director: Andrew O'Connor, Jesse Armstrong, Sam Bain
Studio: Objective Media Group
Creators: Andrew O'Connor, Jesse Armstrong, Sam Bain
TV Status: Ended
25minRelease: 2003
IMDb: 8.7
TMDb: 8.022
Rotten Tomatoes: 96%
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: Channel 4
Starring: David Mitchell, Elizabeth Marmur, Rachel Blanchard, Robert Webb, Sophie Winkleman