“Motive” offers a fresh take on the classic whodunit by presenting a thrilling game of cat and mouse. The show follows detective Angie Flynn as she embarks on a unique investigation, where the killer’s identity is disclosed to the audience from the start. Set against the backdrop of Vancouver, this series takes an unconventional approach to storytelling. Each episode kicks off by revealing both the victim and the perpetrator, prompting the detective to unravel the mystery. The narrative delves into questions of how the crime was committed, the connection between the victim and the killer, and the underlying motive. As the plot thickens, viewers are invited to join Det. Flynn and her team in navigating the intricate web of each case, piecing together the puzzle as the story progresses.
Views: 1
Director: Daniel Cerone
Studio: Foundation Features, Universal Television
Creators: Daniel Cerone, James Thorpe
TV Status: Ended
44minRelease: 2013
IMDb: 7.4
TMDb: 6.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 83%
Country: Canada
Networks: CTV
Starring: Brendan Penny, Kristin Lehman, Lauren Holly, Louis Ferreira