London Spy
In this modern, emotionally charged thriller, Danny, a sociable and pleasure-seeking romantic, finds himself entangled in the perilous realm of British espionage. He becomes enamored with Alex, a mysterious and reclusive individual from a completely different background. Despite their differences, they quickly discover they are an ideal match. However, when Alex vanishes without a trace, Danny, inexperienced and naive, is left struggling to navigate the intricate and secretive world Alex inhabited. He must determine if he is willing to pursue the truth and fight for it.
Genre: Drama
Director: Tom Rob Smith
Studio: BBC America, BBC Two, Working Title Television
Creators: Tom Rob Smith
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2015
IMDb: 7.4
TMDb: 7.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 86%
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC Two
Starring: Adrian Lester, Ben Whishaw, Charlotte Rampling, Edward Holcroft, Harriet Walter, Jim Broadbent, Josef Altin, Richard Cunningham, Samantha Spiro, Zrinka Cvitešić