Late Night with Seth Meyers
Seth Meyers, known for being the longest-serving anchor on “Saturday Night Live’s” highly acclaimed “Weekend Update,” steps into the role of host for NBC’s “Late Night.” This show is renowned for featuring top-tier celebrity guests, unforgettable comedy, and outstanding musical performances. As the Emmy Award-winning head writer for “SNL,” Meyers has built a reputation for his sharp humor and impeccable comedic timing, earning recognition for his precise jokes and satire. Meyers transitions from “SNL” to his new position at “Late Night,” as Jimmy Fallon takes over “The Tonight Show.”
Views: 4
Studio: Broadway Video, Sethmaker Shoemeyers Productions, Universal Television
Creators: Alexander J. Vietmeier, Brett Billet, Jermaine Affonso
TV Status: Returning Series
45minRelease: 2014
IMDb: 6.3
TMDb: 5.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 48%
Country: United States of America
Networks: NBC
Starring: Seth Meyers