Jimmy Two-Shoes
“Jimmy Two-Shoes” is a Canadian animated series that was broadcast on Disney XD in both the UK and the USA, as well as on Teletoon in Canada. The show follows the adventures of the cheerful protagonist, Jimmy, who resides in Miseryville, a gloomy town inhabited by monsters and demon-like beings. Created by Edward Kay and Sean Scott, the series is rated G in Canada and TV-Y7 in the United States. It debuted on February 21, 2009, and concluded in the U.S. on July 15, 2011, after two seasons.
Views: 2
Director: Alex Galatis, Edward Kay, Kevin Gillis, Mark Evestaff, Sean Scott
Studio: Breakthrough Entertainment, Mercury Filmworks
Creators: Alex Galatis, Edward Kay, Sean Scott
TV Status: Ended
30minRelease: 2009
IMDb: 6
TMDb: 6.2
Country: Canada, United States of America
Networks: Disney XD
Starring: Brian Froud, Cory Doran, Dwayne Hill, Sean Cullen, Tabitha St. Germain