Hustle and Soul
“Hustle and Soul” is a one-hour, six-part series produced by Big Fish Entertainment, centering on Chef Lawrence Page, the proprietor and head chef of The Pink Tea Cup (PTC) restaurant. Lawrence has revived this former West Village icon, relocating it to Fort Greene, Brooklyn, as he ambitiously aims for a prestigious Michelin star. As Lawrence navigates the challenges of achieving culinary excellence, he and his team discover that success requires more than just exceptional food and an attractive staff. Leading the PTC team is Lawrence’s fiery girlfriend, Ana, who serves as the General Manager. The staff includes Sana, the spirited and flirtatious hostess who isn’t afraid to challenge Ana and pursue her desires; Thandi, the lead server poised for advancement; and Candice, the head bartender whose sweetness matches her drinks, though she still has a way to go before reaching Michelin standards. Adding a dose of humor are the twins, Dominic and Stef, who consistently provide comic relief with their frequent mishaps at the restaurant.
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Genre: Reality
Studio: Big Fish Entertainment
Creators: Michael Giannantonio, Oji Singletary