Grandma’s House
“Grandma’s House” is a sitcom that aired on BBC Two, crafted by Simon Amstell alongside his frequent collaborator Dan Swimer. The show features Simon Amstell portraying a fictionalized version of himself, a former TV host on a quest to find purpose in his life. The narrative unfolds within the confines of his Grandma’s home, where she eagerly gathers her family, hoping to witness their happiness.
The initial season premiered in 2010, followed by a second in 2012. In December 2012, Amstell announced that a third season would not be produced.
Genre: Comedy
Director: Dan Swimer, Simon Amstell
Studio: Tiger Aspect, Tiger Aspect Productions
Creators: Christine Gernon, Dan Swimer, Simon Amstell
TV Status: Ended
30minRelease: 2010
IMDb: 7.8
TMDb: 6.6
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC Two
Starring: Jamal Hadjkura, James Smith, Linda Bassett, Oliver Coopersmith, Rebecca Front, Samantha Spiro, Simon Amstell