GOSICK -ゴシック-
“Gosick” is a Japanese light novel series authored by Kazuki Sakuraba and published by Fujimi Shobo. The story unfolds in a fictional European nation in 1924, where a Japanese exchange student encounters a mysterious and intellectually gifted girl who only leaves the library to sleep. Her brother, a detective, depends on her extraordinary intellect to unravel complex mysteries.
Tokyopop published the first novel in English in April 2008, followed by the second in March 2010. Since November 2006, the series has been available in Germany through Tokyopop. A manga version began its serialization in the shōnen manga magazine Monthly Dragon Age on December 9, 2007. An anime adaptation by the studio Bones debuted on January 7, 2011. Crunchyroll streamed the anime simultaneously with its Japanese airing and continues to offer it online. At Otakon 2011, Bandai Entertainment announced plans to release the series in North America. However, in January 2012, Bandai Entertainment revealed their withdrawal from the North American market, leading to the cancellation of GOSICK’s release there.
Views: 1
Genre: Animation, Drama, Mystery
Director: Kazuki Sakuraba
Studio: BONES
Creators: Hitoshi Nanba, Jun'ichi Wada, Mari Okada, Shinichi Inozume
TV Status: Ended
24minRelease: 2011
IMDb: 7.3
TMDb: 7.9
Country: Japan
Networks: TV TokyoTV AichiTV OsakaTVQAT-X
Starring: Aoi Yuki, Hidenobu Kiuchi, Michiko Neya, Miyuki Sawashiro, Noriko Shitaya, Takuya Eguchi, Toru Okawa, Yui Kano