“Girlfriends” is a modern tale focusing on Linda, Sue, and Gail as they navigate the challenges of being women in today’s world at a certain stage in life. Following the unexpected and tragic passing of Linda’s husband, Micky, the trio of childhood friends reunites. Each woman is confronted with her own set of issues: one is dealing with an impending divorce from a husband she still cares for, another is coping with the loss of a prestigious job due to ageism, and all are balancing the never-ending duties of caring for their grandchildren and elderly mothers.
TV Status: Ended
46minRelease: 2018
IMDb: 6.6
TMDb: 6.143
Rotten Tomatoes: 80%
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: ITV1
Starring: Anthony Stewart Head, Miranda Richardson, Phyllis Logan, Zoë Wanamaker