“Fugitives” is a BBC series that delves into the operations of the Metropolitan Police’s Extradition Unit, which is tasked with the nationwide duty of finding and apprehending fugitives wanted across the globe. The show offers an exclusive look into the International Crime Bureau at the National Crime Agency, which orchestrates the pursuit of British fugitives abroad and European criminals seeking refuge in the UK. Additionally, the series highlights the efforts of officers in West Yorkshire and central England as they routinely pursue and capture wanted foreign nationals.
The program also features footage with the Spanish National Police’s Fugitives Unit and Amsterdam’s Serious and Organised Crime teams, narrating the capture of infamous British criminals overseas. Among these are drug trafficker Mark Lilley, apprehended in a secure room of a Spanish villa; armed robber Andrew Moran, who was seized while lounging by the pool at his opulent villa; and Sean Devalda, who attempted to hijack a cash delivery van and was eventually located in a secluded hideout by a Dutch SWAT team.
Views: 1
Genre: Uncategorized
Studio: BBC Cymru Wales, BBC Wales
Creators: Andrew Tait, Matthew Botten
TV Status: Returning Series
45minRelease: 2017
IMDb: 7.5
TMDb: 0.0
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC One