Drake & Josh
Drake & Josh is a popular American sitcom developed by Dan Schneider for Nickelodeon. The show centers on the adventures of two teenage boys with contrasting personalities, Drake Parker and Josh Nichols, who become stepbrothers. Both lead actors previously appeared on The Amanda Show, alongside Nancy Sullivan, who portrays Audrey, the mother of Drake and Megan in the series. Miranda Cosgrove takes on the role of Megan, Drake’s mischievous younger sister, while Jonathan Goldstein plays Walter, Josh’s father. The show’s theme song, “I Found a Way,” was composed by Drake Bell and Backhouse Mike, and is performed by Bell. The series enjoyed a successful run of four seasons, totaling 60 episodes, from January 11, 2004, to December 5, 2008, and was met with critical praise. Additionally, three TV movies were released: “Drake & Josh Go Hollywood” on January 6, 2006; “Really Big Shrimp” on August 3, 2007; and “Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh” on December 5, 2008. The series continues to be broadcast in reruns on Nickelodeon and TeenNick.
TV Status: Ended
24minRelease: 2004
IMDb: 7.7
TMDb: 8.372
Rotten Tomatoes: 91%
Country: United States of America
Networks: Nickelodeon
Starring: Drake Bell, Jonathan Goldstein, Josh Peck, Miranda Cosgrove, Nancy Sullivan