Cory in the House
“Cory in the House” is an American sitcom that was broadcast on the Disney Channel from January 12, 2007, to September 13, 2008. It serves as a spin-off of the Disney series “That’s So Raven.” The storyline follows Cory Baxter, who relocates from San Francisco, California, to Washington, D.C., when his father, Victor Baxter, secures a position as the head chef at the White House. This series is notable for being Disney Channel’s first spin-off and is unique in that it was the only spin-off aired entirely in standard definition. Although the show is no longer rerun on Disney Channel or Disney XD, it continues to be shown on the Family Channel in Canada. Raven-Symoné made a guest appearance, reprising her role as Raven Baxter in one episode.
Views: 5
Director: Dennis Rinsler, Marc Warren
Studio: It's a Laugh Productions, Warren & Rinsler Productions
Creators: Dennis Rinsler, Marc Warren
TV Status: Ended
23minRelease: 2007
IMDb: 5
TMDb: 6.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 83%
Country: United States of America
Networks: Disney Channel
Starring: Jason Dolley, John D'Aquino, Kyle Massey, Madison Pettis, Maiara Walsh, Rondell Sheridan