Set in an imaginary desert town close to the U.S.-Mexico border, this comedy explores the interconnected lives of two neighbors, Bud Buckwald and Ernesto Gonzales. Bud, a married father of three, works as a Border Patrol agent and feels uneasy about the cultural shifts altering his community. Next door lives Ernesto, a hardworking Mexican immigrant and father of four, who takes pride in his achievements in America. As Bud and Ernesto’s lives start to intersect, their families become linked through friendship, romance, and conflict.
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family, Western
Director: Mark Hentemann
Studio: 20th Century Fox Television, Banana Zoo Productions, Bento Box Entertainment, Fuzzy Door Productions, Hentemann Films
Creators: Mark Hentemann
TV Status: Canceled
25minRelease: 2016
IMDb: 5.5
TMDb: 5.083
Rotten Tomatoes: 39%
Country: United States of America
Networks: FOX
Starring: Alex Borstein, Efren Ramirez, Hank Azaria, Jacqueline Pinol, John Viener, Judah Friedlander, Missi Pyle, Nicholas Gonzalez, Zach Villa