This crime drama draws inspiration from the real-life tale of two siblings who emerged from the deteriorating neighborhoods of southwest Detroit in the late 1980s, eventually establishing one of the nation’s most powerful criminal organizations. The narrative centers on brothers Demetrius “Big Meech” Flenory and Terry “Southwest T” Flenory, who expanded their ambitions beyond drug trafficking to make a mark in the hip-hop industry. According to Starz, the series will explore themes of love, family, and capitalism as they chase the American dream.
Views: 54
Director: Randy Huggins
Studio: EFO Films, G-Unit Film & Television, Lionsgate Television
Creators: Randy Huggins
TV Status: Returning Series
52minRelease: 2021
IMDb: 7.4
TMDb: 8.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 70%
Networks: Starz
Starring: da'Vinchi, Jerel Xavier Alston, Kelly Hu, La La Anthony, Lil Meech, Michole Briana White, Myles Truitt, Russell Hornsby, Steve Harris