Black Sails
Set two decades before the events of Robert Louis Stevenson’s iconic “Treasure Island,” this tale follows the daring exploits of Captain Flint and his crew. Flint, renowned as the most cunning and feared pirate leader of his era, welcomes a quick-witted newcomer named John Silver into his ranks. Facing threats from every direction, they struggle to preserve New Providence Island, a notorious sanctuary for criminals. This lawless utopia is filled with pirates, prostitutes, thieves, and adventurers, characterized by its progressive ideals and shocking violence.
Views: 16
Genre: Action & Adventure, Drama
Director: Jonathan E. Steinberg, Robert Levine
Studio: Film Afrika, Film Afrika Worldwide, Platinum Dunes, Quaker Moving Pictures
Creators: Jonathan E. Steinberg, Robert Levine
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2014
IMDb: 8.2
TMDb: 7.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 81%
Country: United States of America
Networks: Starz
Starring: Clara Paget, Hannah New, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Luke Arnold, Luke Roberts, Ray Stevenson, Toby Schmitz, Toby Stephens, Tom Hopper