Set in the vibrant and divided city of Piltover and the oppressed underground of Zaun, this animated series explores the delicate balance between the rich and the poor, and the tensions that arise from technological advancements. The story follows two sisters, Vi and Jinx, whose lives are torn apart by the escalating conflict between the two cities. With stunning animation and a compelling narrative, the series delves into themes of family, power, and the consequences of unchecked ambition. The show has been praised for its rich storytelling and has received several awards, including an Emmy for Outstanding Animated Program. Notably, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 941
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Drama, Game, Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Top250Tvs
Director: Alex Yee, Christian Linke
Studio: Fortiche Production, Netflix, Riot Games
Creators: Arnaud Delord, Ash Brannon, Mollie Bickley St. John, Pascal Charrue
Starring: Ella Purnell, Hailee Steinfeld, Harry Lloyd, Jason Spisak, Kevin Alejandro, Toks Olagundoye