American Rust
This gripping family drama presents an enduring narrative seen through the perspective of Del Harris, a complex and morally conflicted police chief in a Pennsylvania Rust Belt town, where well-intentioned residents often find themselves making poor decisions.
Views: 1
Director: Dan Futterman, Philipp Meyer
Studio: Boat Rocker Studios, Platform One Media, Showtime Networks, SouthSlope Pictures
Creators: Dan Futterman
TV Status: Canceled
Release: 2021
IMDb: 7.3
TMDb: 6.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 54%
Networks: Showtime, ShowtimeAmazon Freevee, ShowtimePrime Video
Starring: Alex Neustaedter, Bill Camp, David Alvarez, Emily Davis, Jeff Daniels, Joe Fishel, Julia Mayorga, Mark Pellegrino, Maura Tierney