68 Whiskey
This dark comedy centers on a diverse group of male and female Army medics stationed at a forward operating base in Afghanistan, humorously referred to as “The Orphanage.” Amidst a perilous and absurd environment, they grapple with self-destructive tendencies, engage in outrageous antics, forge deep bonds, and sometimes discover a meaningful sense of purpose.
Views: 1
Director: Roberto Benabib
Studio: CBS Studios, Imagine Television, Imagine Television Studios
Creators: Roberto Benabib
TV Status: Canceled
45minRelease: 2020
IMDb: 5.9
TMDb: 8.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 88%
Networks: Paramount Network
Starring: Beth Riesgraf, Cristina Rodlo, Derek Theler, Gage Golightly, Jeremy Tardy, Lamont Thompson, Nicholas Coombe, Sam Keeley