Serial (Bad) Weddings
In this French comedy directed by Philippe de Chauveron, the story revolves around a traditional Catholic couple, Claude and Marie Verneuil, who face a series of cultural challenges when their four daughters marry men of different ethnic and religious backgrounds. The film humorously explores themes of tolerance and acceptance as the family navigates their diverse son-in-laws. Starring Christian Clavier and Chantal Lauby, the movie became a box office success in France. Interestingly, it sparked discussions on multiculturalism and integration in French society. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Philippe de Chauveron
Actors: Ary Abittan, Chantal Lauby, Christian Clavier, Élodie Fontan, Emilie Caen, Frédéric Chau, Frédérique Bel, Julia Piaton, Medi Sadoun, Noom Diawara
Country: France
Company: Les films du 24, TF1 Droits Audiovisuels, TF1 Films Production
Worldwide Gross: $176,404,493