Scents and Sensibility
In this modern adaptation of a classic tale, two sisters face financial ruin after their father is implicated in a Ponzi scheme. As they navigate their new reality, they discover unexpected opportunities and personal growth through their passion for creating and selling homemade lotions. The film stars Ashley Williams and Marla Sokoloff, who bring charm and depth to their roles. Directed by Brian Brough, this heartwarming story explores themes of resilience and entrepreneurship. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Brian Brough
Actors: Ashley Williams, Brad Johnson, Danielle C. Ryan, Jaclyn Hales, Jason Celaya, Jim Christian, JJ Neward, Marla Sokoloff, Nick Zano, Peggy Matheson
Country: United States of America
Company: Silver Peak Productions