Scarred Hearts
Set in the 1930s, this film follows the life of Emanuel, a young man suffering from bone tuberculosis, as he navigates the confines of a sanatorium on the Black Sea coast. The narrative delves into his interactions with fellow patients and the medical staff, exploring themes of love, illness, and existential reflection. Directed by Radu Jude, the film is noted for its unique visual style and historical context. While it may not have garnered major awards, it offers a poignant look at the human condition. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Radu Jude
Actors: Adina Cristescu, Alexandru Dabija, Dana Voicu, Fernando Klabin, Ilinca Hărnuț, Ivana Mladenović, Lucian Teodor Rus, Marian Olteanu, Sarra Tsorakidis, Șerban Pavlu
Country: Belgium, France, Germany, Romania
Company: Centrul National al Cinematografiei (CNC), HI Film Productions, Komplizen Film
Worldwide Gross: $13,847