Saw V
In this intense installment of the horror franchise, the narrative continues to unravel the complex and twisted legacy of the infamous Jigsaw killer. As the story unfolds, a new apprentice emerges, determined to carry on Jigsaw’s brutal work, while a group of strangers find themselves trapped in a deadly game of survival. The film stars Tobin Bell, reprising his iconic role, and Costas Mandylor, who plays a pivotal character in the unfolding drama. Directed by David Hackl, this entry delves deeper into the psychological and moral dilemmas faced by its characters. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 27
Genre: Crime, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: David Hackl
Actors: Betsy Russell, Carlo Rota, Costas Mandylor, Greg Bryk, Julie Benz, Laura Gordon, Mark Rolston, Meagan Good, Niamh Wilson, Scott Patterson, Shawnee Smith, Sheila Shah, Tobin Bell
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Mandate Pictures, Ontario Production Services Tax Credit (OPSTC), Twisted Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $113,864,059