Saving Mbango
“Saving Mbango” is a dramatic film that explores the life of John, a young boy who unexpectedly becomes the main provider for his troubled family. His aspirations and dreams are hindered by the chaos of his tumultuous home life. John falls for Mbango, a girl from the village whose own life challenges make his seem minor by comparison. As a result, John’s life becomes even more complicated, as he struggles to balance the demands of his dysfunctional family with his desire to help the woman he loves. He is constantly plagued by his harsh, alcoholic father, his irresponsible older brother, and his unkind, unmarried sisters, leaving him in a difficult predicament. This film, directed by the acclaimed Nkanya Nwai, was shot in Mondoni, a rural area in the South West region of Cameroon.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Nkanya Nkwai
Country: United States of America
Company: Embi Productions, The PowerHouse Ent.
IMDb: 6.2
TMDB: 0.0