Savage Dog
Set in 1959 Indochina, this action-packed film follows the story of a former champion boxer, Martin Tillman, who finds himself imprisoned in a brutal labor camp. As he fights for survival, Tillman becomes a reluctant participant in underground fighting tournaments organized by corrupt officials. The film stars Scott Adkins, known for his martial arts prowess, and is directed by Jesse V. Johnson. While it hasn’t received any major awards, it showcases intense fight choreography and a gritty atmosphere. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jesse V. Johnson
Actors: Aki Aleong, Charles Fathy, Cung Le, JuJu Chan, Keith David, Luke Massy, Marko Zaror, Matthew Marsden, Scott Adkins, Vladimir Kulich
Country: United States of America
Company: Blacklist Digital, Cho Man Ro Enterprises, Compound B