Satellite Boy
In this heartfelt Australian drama, a young Aboriginal boy named Pete embarks on a journey to save his home from demolition, accompanied by his best friend Kalmain. Set against the stunning backdrop of the Kimberley region, the film explores themes of cultural heritage and the bond between generations. The movie stars David Gulpilil, a renowned actor known for his work in Australian cinema. Directed by Catriona McKenzie, the film offers a poignant look at the intersection of tradition and modernity. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Family
Director: Catriona McKenzie
Actors: Callum McKenzie, Cameron Wallaby, David Gulpilil, Dean Daley-Jones, Dolores Roberts, Dougie McCale, Jarunba-Mark Weaver, Joseph Pedley, Kaylene Marr, Rohanna Angus
Country: Australia
Company: Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Satellite Films
Worldwide Gross: $161,780