Sangue del mio sangue
In this intriguing film directed by Marco Bellocchio, the narrative unfolds in two distinct timelines, exploring themes of guilt, redemption, and the passage of time. The story begins in a 17th-century Italian convent where a young nun faces accusations of seducing a priest, leading to a series of dramatic events. The film then shifts to the present day, where a mysterious figure returns to the same location, now a dilapidated monastery, uncovering secrets that bridge the past and present. The movie features standout performances from actors like Roberto Herlitzka and Pier Giorgio Bellocchio. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, History, Mystery
Director: Marco Bellocchio
Actors: Alba Rohrwacher, Alberto Cracco, Bruno Cariello, Federica Fracassi, Filippo Timi, Ivan Franěk, Lidiya Liberman, Pier Giorgio Bellocchio, Roberto Herlitzka, Toni Bertorelli
Country: France, Italy, Switzerland
Company: IBC Movie, Kavac Film, Rai Cinema
Worldwide Gross: $424,494