Sabina, a young woman with a troubled history, finds herself awakening in the lair of a masked assailant. After being drugged during a blind date, she faces a night filled with terror reminiscent of her past experiences. However, she manages to outsmart her captor and flees into the night, barely clothed. Her harrowing journey takes a new turn when she encounters a group of adventurers who whisk her away to an extravagant fetish party, dismissing her tale as merely an elaborate role-playing scenario. But when her pursuer arrives at the party, intent on reclaiming her, the question arises: will anyone intervene? And who is this mysterious figure? Is he the same man who drugged and assaulted her years ago, or her date from earlier that day? Could they be the same person, returning to complete his sinister mission? Alternatively, is this all part of a convoluted scheme for Sabina to exact her own revenge? If so, who are the participants, and who is truly being manipulated?
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Director: Chris Soth
Actors: Anna Maganini, Chris Soth, Daniel Allen Kent, Darrell Philip, David Wisehart, Donicia Barrios, Jaxdan Mays, Jill Evyn, Justus Zimmerman, Stephanie Edmonds
Country: United States of America
Company: Million Dollar Screenwriting