RV: Resurrected Victims
In this intriguing South Korean thriller directed by Kwak Kyung-taek, the narrative unfolds around a peculiar phenomenon where murder victims return to life to exact revenge on their killers. The film stars Kim Rae-won, who delivers a compelling performance as a prosecutor entangled in the mysterious events surrounding his mother’s resurrection. As the story delves into themes of justice and retribution, viewers are kept on the edge of their seats with its suspenseful plot twists. This movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 6
Genre: Action, Adventure, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Kwak Kyung-taek
Actors: Jang Young-nam, Jeon Gwang-jin, Jeon Hye-jin, Jeon Kwang-jin, Kim Hae-sook, Kim Rae-won, Lee Ji-won, Lee Jun-hyeok, Lee Yu-mi, Oh Dae-hwan, Sung Dong-il
Country: South Korea
Company: Barunson E&A
Worldwide Gross: $2,269,892