Route Irish
In this gripping drama directed by Ken Loach, the story follows Fergus, a former private security contractor in Iraq, as he investigates the suspicious death of his best friend, Frankie. Set against the backdrop of post-war Iraq and Liverpool, the film delves into themes of friendship, betrayal, and the moral complexities of war. Starring Mark Womack and Andrea Lowe, the narrative unfolds with intense emotional depth and a critical look at the privatization of war. While the film did not receive major awards, it is noted for its realistic portrayal of the consequences of conflict. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
Director: Ken Loach
Actors: Andrea Lowe, Geoff Bell, Jack Fortune, Jamie Michie, John Bishop, Mark Womack, Najwa Nimri, Stephen Lord, Talib Hamafraj, Trevor Williams
Country: Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom
Company: Sixteen Films, Why Not Productions, Wild Bunch
Worldwide Gross: $1,022,411