Rock Dog
In this animated adventure, a Tibetan Mastiff named Bodi discovers a passion for music that leads him on a journey to become a rock star, challenging his traditional upbringing. The film features the voices of stars like Luke Wilson, Eddie Izzard, and J.K. Simmons, bringing life to its vibrant characters. Directed by Ash Brannon, known for his work on “Toy Story 2,” the movie combines humor and heart in a story about following one’s dreams. While it didn’t receive major awards, it offers an entertaining experience for families and can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 5
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Music
Director: Ash Brannon
Actors: Ash Brannon, Eddie Izzard, J.K. Simmons, Jorge Garcia, Kenan Thompson, Lewis Black, Luke Wilson, Mae Whitman, Matt Dillon, Sam Elliott, Will Finn
Country: China, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Huayi Brothers Media, Summit Premiere, Tencent Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $23,270,926