Robot & Scarecrow
In this enchanting short film, a robot and a scarecrow find themselves unexpectedly drawn to each other amidst the vibrant backdrop of a music festival. The narrative explores themes of connection and fleeting moments of joy, set against a visually captivating landscape. Starring Jack O’Connell and Holliday Grainger, the film is directed by Kibwe Tavares, known for his innovative storytelling techniques. While it hasn’t received major awards, its unique blend of romance and fantasy has garnered attention. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Kibwe Tavares
Actors: Daniel Kaluuya, Holliday Grainger, Jack O'Connell
Country: United Kingdom
Company: DMC Film, Factory Fifteen, Nexus Studios