“Rise” is based on true events and tells the story of Will McIntyre, a young nurse whose life is turned upside down when a one-night encounter results in a rape accusation. Although he is innocent, he is convicted in court. The film takes us inside a maximum-security prison where Will’s bravery and determination to understand his situation influence Jimmy Cove, a seasoned inmate known for a series of armed robberies. At the same time, Julie Nile, a Queen’s Counsel Barrister, faces the difficult decision of risking her reputation and income to fight for Will’s exoneration.
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Director: Mack Lindon
Actors: Amanda McErlean, Daniel Nelson, Erin Connor, Jamie Josephs, Jessica Green, Martin Sacks, Marty Rhone, Nathan Wilson, Rachel Kahan, Rosie Keogh
Country: Australia
Company: Vision Pictures Australia