Return to Never Land
In this animated adventure, the story follows Wendy’s daughter, Jane, who is whisked away to the magical world of Never Land during World War II. As she encounters Peter Pan and the Lost Boys, Jane must navigate her skepticism and find her own sense of belief to help save the day. Directed by Donovan Cook, the film features the voice talents of Harriet Owen and Blayne Weaver. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it offers a nostalgic return to the beloved world of Peter Pan. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Animation, Family, Fantasy
Director: Donovan Cook, Robin Budd
Actors: Andrew McDonough, Blayne Weaver, Bradley Pierce, Corey Burton, Harriet Owen, Jeff Bennett, Kath Soucie, Quinn Beswick, Roger Rees, Spencer Breslin
Country: Australia, Canada, United States of America
Company: Disney Television Animation, Disneytoon Studios, Walt Disney Animation Australia, Walt Disney Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $115,121,981