Redemption: For Robbing the Dead
“For Robbing the Dead” is a narrative centered on empathy, particularly towards those who might appear least worthy of kindness. The film is set in 1862 in Salt Lake City and follows Henry Heath, a law enforcement officer. Heath is tasked with overseeing a prisoner he detests—Jean Baptiste, a destitute French immigrant found guilty of desecrating graves. Baptiste is banished to Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake, where he is shunned by society. With no one else willing to care for him, Henry Heath becomes Baptiste’s only protector against the island’s harsh solitude and the community’s disdain. Through his initially reluctant duty, Heath experiences a change of heart, finding solace for his own grief.
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Genre: Western
Director: Thomas Russell
Actors: Bob Walkingshaw, Cathleen Mason, David H. Stevens, Jodi Russell, John Freeman, Margot Kidder, Rance Howard, Robyn Adamson, Sierra Somerville, Tim Threlfall
Country: United States of America
Company: Firstlight Independent