Raiâ gêmu: Saisei
The Liar Game office has been reactivated with the sole purpose of seeking vengeance against Shinichi Akiyama, portrayed by Shota Matsuda. Despite his initial reluctance to join the game, Shinichi is drawn into the competition due to the involvement of a new protagonist, Shinomiya, played by Mikako Tabe. He joins 19 other participants, all vying for a grand prize of 2 billion yen. The mastermind behind the game’s revival, Omega, portrayed by Makiko Esumi, orchestrates the events at the Liar Game office alongside Alice, played by Mana Ashida. Alice is responsible for designing the game, selecting the participants, and setting the traps.
Views: 1
Genre: Drama, Mystery, TV Movie
Director: Hiroaki Matsuyama
Actors: Eiichiro Funakoshi, Eiko Koike, Hirofumi Arai, Jun Kaname, Kosuke Suzuki, Makiko Esumi, Mana Ashida, Mari Hamada, Mikako Tabe, Shota Matsuda
Country: Japan
Company: Akita TV, Asahi Broadcasting Nagano Co. (abn), Ehime Broadcasting
Worldwide Gross: $24,557,172