“Rags” tells the tale of Charlie Prince, an orphan who lives with his harsh and uncaring stepfather and his spoiled, dim-witted stepbrothers. Charlie aspires to be a singer, possessing both vocal talent and songwriting skills, yet he struggles to find his big break. In contrast, Kadee Worth is the daughter of music tycoon Reginald Worth and a global pop sensation. Although the world sees her as a dazzling superstar, she secretly longs to perform her own songs and express her true self, rather than conforming to others’ choices. Despite numerous challenges, when Charlie and Kadee cross paths, they each discover what they’ve been searching for—a voice, a platform, an audience, and each other.
Views: 7
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, Music, TV Movie
Director: Bille Woodruff
Actors: Avan Jogia, Burkely Duffield, Christina Sicoli, Devon Weigel, Drake Bell, Isaiah Mustafa, Keenan Tracey, Keke Palmer, Max Schneider, Robert Moloney
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: N' Credible Entertainment, Nickelodeon Productions, Pacific Bay Entertainment, Pacific Bay Entertainment Canada