Rabid Dogs
In this intense French thriller, a bank heist spirals into chaos, leading a group of criminals to take hostages in a desperate bid for escape. The film, directed by Éric Hannezo, showcases a gripping narrative filled with tension and unexpected twists. Starring Lambert Wilson and Virginie Ledoyen, the movie delves into the psychological dynamics between captors and captives as they navigate a perilous journey. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, its atmospheric storytelling and strong performances have been noted. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Éric Hannezo
Actors: Franck Gastambide, François Arnaud, Gabrielle Lazure, Gisèle Trépanier, Guillaume Gouix, Hedi Rian, Lambert Wilson, Laurent Lucas, Nicolas Paquin, Pierre Lebeau, Virginie Ledoyen
Company: Black Dynamite Films, JD Prod, Les Prodcutions Rabid Dogs
Worldwide Gross: $254,303