Puppet Master: Axis Termination
In this installment of the long-running horror franchise, a group of psychics and their animated puppets join forces to combat a Nazi threat during World War II. The film continues the saga of the living puppets, each with unique and deadly abilities, as they face off against sinister forces. Directed by Charles Band, the movie blends elements of horror and fantasy with a historical backdrop. While it may not have received any major awards, it remains a part of the cult classic series known for its unique premise and dedicated fan base. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, War
Director: Charles Band
Actors: Allen Perada, Alynxia America, Daniele Romer, George Appleby, Kevin Scott Allen, Kyle Devero, Lilou Vos, Paul Logan, Tania Fox, Tonya Kay
Country: United States of America
Company: Full Moon Features