Princess Cyd
A coming-of-age drama directed by Stephen Cone, this film follows a 16-year-old girl named Cyd who spends a summer with her aunt, a successful novelist, in Chicago. As the two women navigate their differences, they explore themes of identity, sexuality, and personal growth. The film stars Jessie Pinnick and Rebecca Spence, delivering nuanced performances that highlight the complexities of their characters’ relationship. Known for its thoughtful storytelling and character development, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Stephen Cone
Actors: Dane Loperena, James Vincent Meredith, Jessie Pinnick, Malic White, Marika Mashburn, Matthew Quattrocki, Meighan Gerachis, Paul Brian Fagen, Rebecca Spence, Ro White, Tyler Ross
Country: United States of America
Company: Sunroom Pictures