In this coming-of-age comedy directed by Dan Beers, a high school senior named Rob Crabbe, played by John Karna, finds himself reliving the same day over and over again, each time ending in an embarrassing mishap. As he navigates the challenges of teenage life, Rob attempts to break the cycle and make the most of his repeated day, learning valuable lessons about friendship and self-discovery along the way. The film also features performances by Katie Findlay and Craig Roberts. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Dan Beers
Actors: Alan Tudyk, Brian Huskey, Cara Mantella, Carlson Young, Christen Orr, Craig Roberts, Elon Gold, John Karna, Katie Findlay, Zoe Myers
Country: United States of America
Company: FilmNation Entertainment, Resnick Interactive Development
Worldwide Gross: $415,863