In this chilling psychological horror film, a disgraced puppeteer named Philip returns to his childhood home, where he is haunted by a sinister puppet and his own dark past. The movie stars Sean Harris, known for his intense performances, and Alun Armstrong, who brings depth to the unsettling narrative. Directed by Matthew Holness, the film delves into themes of trauma and repression, creating an atmosphere of dread and unease. While it did not receive major awards, it has been noted for its unique approach to horror. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Matthew Holness
Actors: Alun Armstrong, Andy Blithe, Charlie Eales, Daniel Eghan, Joe Gallucci, Katie Lightfoot, Pamela Cook, Raphel Famotibe, Rohan Gotobed, Ryan Enever, Sean Harris, Simon Bubb
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Evandine Productions, Kodak, The Fyzz, thefyzz
Worldwide Gross: $33,225