Poppin Q
The narrative unfolds on the eve of a graduation ceremony, focusing on five middle school girls, each absorbed in their own daily routines. An unexpected event transports them to a fantastical realm, where they discover a looming catastrophe threatening this world. To prevent this disaster, the girls must unite their hearts as one through the power of dance. However, they struggle to form a connection with this world and are unable to express their genuine emotions to each other, hindering their ability to unite. As the deadline draws near, the question remains: can the girls’ dance rescue the world, and will they manage to graduate?
Views: 1
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Drama, Fantasy, Music
Director: Naoki Miyahara
Actors: Ari Ozawa, Asami Seto, Atsumi Tanezaki, Azusa Tadokoro, Erii Yamazaki, Kaede Hondo, Kaori Ishihara, Koki Uchiyama, Shiori Izawa, Tomoyo Kurosawa, 田所梓
Country: Japan
Company: Poppin Q Production Committee, Sammy, Sega Games/Sega Networks Company