In this poignant South Korean drama, an elderly woman named Mija, played by the talented Yoon Jeong-hee, embarks on a journey of self-discovery and artistic expression as she enrolls in a poetry class. As she grapples with the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, Mija finds herself confronting a harsh reality involving her grandson, which challenges her perception of beauty and morality. Directed by Lee Chang-dong, the film delicately explores themes of memory, guilt, and the power of art. It received critical acclaim and won the Best Screenplay Award at the Cannes Film Festival. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Lee Chang-dong
Actors: Ahn Nae-sang, Jang Hye-jin, Kim Hee-ra, Kim Hye-jung, Kim Jong-goo, Kim Nam-jin, Kim Yong-taek, Lee Da-wit, Lee David, Park Myung-shin, Yoon Jeong-hee
Country: France, South Korea
Company: Diaphana Distribution, Diaphana Films, Pine House Film, UniKorea Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $2,539,040