Plus One
In this romantic comedy, longtime friends Ben and Alice, played by Jack Quaid and Maya Erskine, make a pact to be each other’s plus ones during a summer filled with weddings. As they navigate the complexities of love and friendship, their arrangement leads to unexpected developments. Directed by Jeff Chan and Andrew Rhymer, the film explores themes of companionship and the societal pressures of relationships. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Andrew Rhymer, Jeff Chan
Actors: Beck Bennett, Brandon Kyle Goodman, Ed Begley Jr., Finn Wittrock, Jack Quaid, Jessy Hodges, Jon Bass, Max Jenkins, Maya Erskine, Perrey Reeves, Rosalind Chao, Tim Chiou, Tom Yi, Victoria Park
Country: United States of America
Company: Firewatch, Red Hour Films, Studio71
Worldwide Gross: $44,112