In this intense South Korean drama, a ruthless loan shark enforcer finds his life turned upside down when a mysterious woman appears, claiming to be his long-lost mother. As their relationship develops, he is forced to confront the brutal nature of his existence and the impact of his actions on others. Directed by the acclaimed Kim Ki-duk, the film won the Golden Lion at the 69th Venice International Film Festival, highlighting its critical acclaim. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Kim Ki-duk
Actors: Cho Min-soo, Heo Joon-seok, Jin Yong-uk, Kang Eun-jin, Kim Jae-rok, Kwon Yul, Lee Jung-Jin, Woo Ki-Hong, Yoo Ha-bok
Country: South Korea
Company: Finecut, Good Film, Kim Ki-Duk Film
Worldwide Gross: $6,616,296