Phantom Thread
Set in the glamour of 1950s post-war London, this film follows the life of renowned dressmaker Reynolds Woodcock, played by Daniel Day-Lewis, and his sister Cyril, portrayed by Lesley Manville, as they navigate the world of high fashion. Their lives are disrupted by the arrival of Alma, a young woman who becomes Reynolds’ muse and lover, leading to a complex and evolving relationship. Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, the film explores themes of love, creativity, and control. It received critical acclaim and was nominated for several Academy Awards, winning Best Costume Design. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Drama, History, New Year's Eve, Romance
Director: Paul Thomas Anderson
Actors: Allison Tolman, Brian Gleeson, Camilla Rutherford, Daniel Day-Lewis, Dave Simon, David Charles-Cully, Emma Clandon, Eric Sigmundsson, Gina McKee, Harriet Leitch, Harriet Sansom Harris, Ian Harrod, Jane Perry, Julia Davis, Julie Vollono, Lesley Manville, Lujza Richter, Martin Dew, Michael Gabbitas, Nicholas Mander, Philip Franks, Phyllis MacMahon, Richard Graham, Sarah Lamesch, Silas Carson, Tim Ahern, Vicky Krieps
Country: China, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Annapurna Pictures, Focus Features, Perfect World Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $52,204,454