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The narrative follows a teenage girl named Steph, who is raised by her spirited aunt Jude following the tragic death of her pregnant mother, Jass, and her Vietnamese father in a car accident. When Steph discovers her late mother’s diary, it unveils the vibrant and intimate secrets of Jude and the foreman, Alan, prompting Steph to reshape her understanding of the world.
Views: 3
Director: Craig Monahan
Actors: Catherine Lambert, Emma Lung, Felicity Electricity, Giang Le Huy, Hugo Weaving, Jacqueline McKenzie, Matthew Le Nevez, Poh Ling Yeow, Sam Healy, Tyson Contor
Country: Australia
Company: Peach Films Pty. Ltd., Pointblank Pictures, Silverscreen Films
Worldwide Gross: $215,283