PAW Patrol: Jet to the Rescue
In this animated adventure, the PAW Patrol team embarks on a high-flying mission to save the day when a royal throne is stolen. The pups, equipped with new jet packs, must navigate through the skies to thwart the villain’s plans and restore peace to the kingdom. Featuring the voices of stars like Lilly Bartlam and Anya Cooke, this film delivers action-packed sequences and heartwarming moments. Directed by Charles E. Bastien, it showcases the beloved characters in a thrilling new setting. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Family
Director: Charles E. Bastien
Actors: Anya Cooke, Ashton Frank, Ashton Leon Frank, Berkley Silverman, Caoimhe Judd, David López, Joey Nijem, Justin Paul Kelly, Keegan Hedley, Lilly Bartlam, Lukas Engel
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Nickelodeon Productions, Spin Master Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $4,693,664