Paris Pigalle
Set in the vibrant and gritty underbelly of 1980s Paris, this film follows two police officers, played by Guillaume Canet and Gilles Lellouche, who go undercover in the city’s red-light district to dismantle a pornography ring. As they delve deeper into the world of vice, their personal and professional lives become increasingly entangled, leading to unexpected consequences. Directed by Cédric Anger, the movie captures the era’s atmosphere with authenticity and tension. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Cédric Anger
Actors: Camille Razat, Elisa Bachir Bey, Gilles Lellouche, Guillaume Canet, Inge van Bruystegem, Jean-Louis Barcelona, Michel Fau, Valeria Nicov, Xavier Alcan, Xavier Beauvois
Company: Curiosa Films, Mars Films, Sunrise Films
Worldwide Gross: $862,888