Paper Planes
In this heartwarming Australian family film directed by Robert Connolly, a young boy named Dylan discovers a passion for making and flying paper planes. As he navigates personal challenges and the complexities of childhood, Dylan sets his sights on competing in the World Paper Plane Championships in Japan. The movie stars Sam Worthington and Ed Oxenbould, who deliver engaging performances that capture the spirit of determination and creativity. This uplifting story explores themes of resilience and imagination, making it a delightful watch for audiences of all ages. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Robert Connolly
Actors: Deborah Mailman, Ed Oxenbould, Ena Imai, Julian Dennison, Kim Fleming, Nicholas Bakopoulos-Cooke, Peter Rowsthorn, Sam Worthington, Terry Norris, Yaron Zeilinger
Company: ACTF, Arenamedia, Cameraquip Australia
Worldwide Gross: $6,689,901